JOE RIDER 17-23 October

Motorcycle Awareness Week 2022

How often do we hear “Sorry Mate, I didn’t See You from a motorist who has either hit a motorcycle rider or had a near miss? The Motorcycle Riders Association of the ACT (MRA ACT) some years ago decided to address that question by having one week every year to raise awareness of riders on Canberra roads – expecting it then flows to the whole 12 months.

Motorcycle Awareness Week in the ACT starts on Saturday 17th October. From that day to the end of the week, the rider awareness campaign, JOE Rider, starts with riders wearing vests with “JOE” written on the back while riding around Canberra streets, being visible. We ask all road users in our community to look for JOE and log their sighting for a chance to win a prize. You’ll see JOE Rider not just around Canberra, but maybe in Queanbeyan or the environs around the ACT. If you see JOE, you have seen a rider. Email your sightings – the when and where to

The MRA ACT is committed to raising awareness of riders on our roads, but also reminds riders to take responsibility for their safety on the roads – stay visible, be predictable, ride to the conditions.



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