

Please see what we are sending to existing and prospective MLAs for the upcoming ACT Legislative Assembly election. We strongly encourage you to contact your MLAs directly to support our cause and achieve “MORE RIDERS MORE OFTEN” in the ACT.

If they don’t hear from us they won’t know we exist!

2024 ACT Election Issues for the Motorcycle Riders Association ACT (MRA ACT)

Dear Candidate for the ACT Legislative Assembly,

The MRA ACT has represented the views of riders from the ACT and surrounding region for over 30 years. It advocates riding motorcycle and scooters (internal combustion and electric) as an affordable, enjoyable and efficient transport method that impacts minimally on infrastructure.

We continuously collect data from relevant road user groups and forums for consideration by policy-makers, transport safety and research bodies.

Priority issues our riding community will raise with you during your campaign are presented below with a suggested solution(s).


To provide a safer and more inviting space for motorcycles/scooters on arterial roads:

·       Develop transit lanes that extend beyond the main town centres and are promoted as options for all riders (as well as for T2, EVs, taxis and public  transport).


Reduce the impact of riders forced to use car parking and inappropriate spaces where dedicated free motorcycle parking is inadequate:

·       Expand parking options around town centres, employment hubs and  education institutions. Include pavement locations that are convenient  for riders that do not adversely impact pedestrians.


Align motorcycle/scooter registration fee structure with government road user and environmental strategies:

·       Use a ‘proportion’ calculation for determining registration costs —  consider vehicle mass, occupant numbers, CO2  emissions, vehicle  purpose, and possession of multiple vehicle registrations per individual.

·       Review and raise the current 300cc registration tier to a higher level  capacity to promote increased use of motorcycles and scooters.


Improve all road design/ construction/ user policies and emergency service policies based on comprehensive data collection and sharing to comply with the National Road Safety Action Plan:

·       Collect and store consistently categorised and usable data that is easily  accessible and kept up to date.

·       Provide the MRA ACT and other trusted user groups with access to  comprehensive collision and crash statistics, circumstances, causes, and  contributory-cause data including infrastructure.


Increase road safety for motorcycle/scooter riders using major roads frequented by wildlife:

·       Conduct road collision and trauma risk-assessments on high-speed roads and  locations where wildlife is abundant.

·       Instal warning signs and implement rider safety measures, such as virtual  and additional physical fencing.


Decrease road trauma and the incidence of collision by new and unskilled motorcycle/scooter riders:

·       Develop a plan to meet motorcycling e/scooter training requirements,  and provide up-to-date, easily accessible facilities to serve ACT  residents.

The members of the MRA ACT urge you to detail your support of motorcycle /scooter ownership and riding in your election campaign.

To this end, MRA ACT suggests that ‘More Riders More Often’ is a simple motto. Achieving this goal would enhance the many benefits of our attractive city and surrounding region.

The Committee – Motorcycle Riders Association ACT

(MRA ACT is an independent volunteer association that supports the Australian Motorcycle Council. It is not affiliated with any other MRA or similar motorcycle organisation in Australia)